Service Schedule

English Service - 8:15am & 11am

Tigrinya Service - 9:30am

825 S Taylor St., Arlington, VA 22204


Our Savior Lutheran Church and School has served the Northern Virginia and Washington, DC areas since 1941.

We are a diverse family of faith that welcomes guests to join us as we grow in faith, community, and service. Come get connected to our Savior and be encouraged by friends in Christ! We are affiliated with the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.


Our Savior Lutheran School

Pre-Kindergarten through 8th Grade Day School

Building character and instilling values through a quality Christ-centered education in a nurturing environment. In partnership with the home, our students receive a foundation for life, by addressing the needs of the whole child.

Public Disclosure Statement

The Code of Virginia, Section 63.2-1716, allows child day centers operated by religious institutions the opportunity to file for an exemption from licensure by meeting documentation and other requirements specified within the religious exemption law. Click here to read the statements that have been prepared and distributed to meet the requirements of the religious exemption law.


Upcoming Events





Running the Race!


When it comes to running a race, two questions come to mind. How FAST! and how FAR! Speed and distance are the two major components that make one race different from another and one participants results differ from another.

Here at Our Savior Lutheran we exist for the purpose of supporting and encouraging “runners” in the race of faith.

When it comes to distance, the race of faith is a marathon lasting one’s whole life. Instead of one’s speed being a factor, it is the way that one runs that matters. The Bible tells us to”look to Jesus” as the way to run this race.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses,
let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely,
and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
​looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith,
who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame,
and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:1­-2

Here at OSL we want to be a partner in running the race with you! You are surrounded by a great cheering section at OSL.

Together we gather to pursue the best God has to give for the life of the body, mind and spirit! Remembering that this race of faith is a RELAY RACE! Jesus has already crossed the finish line to make winners out of us all! Our mission is to keep passing the baton of faith and love as we reach out to our neighbors day by day.

I encourage you to be strengthened for the race of faith by attending worship and studying God's Word regularly.

In Christ’s service,

Pastor Wayne



Worship our God, Share His Salvation!


Our community will recognize Our Savior as a diverse family, and will be intrigued by God's light as they see it in us, and they will be drawn to the gospel by God's grace.

Our guests will be welcomed and embraced, they will be encouraged and connected, and they will see Christ.

Our members will grow in faith and be nurtured by God's word and each other, equipped for new and exciting opportunities to share Christ!